Friday, February 3, 2017

The Geotechnical Nightmares are finished

My two nightmares, over which I spilt a lot of geotechnical tears, are done.  The worst one was the sewer relining into a pit of quicksand.  They spent months and months of doing nothing, and finally they are filling the hole.  I guess nobody wanted to freeze it.  I suppose they are going to put up a bridge and bypass.

I estimate that's a $20mil waste of the taxpayer's money.  No news outlet will touch it, since it is geotechnical.  They'll take away all that nice sewer lining.  All for the want of a nail.  Actually, a tenbuck pump test, with a million dollar chemical grout.  :)

The erosion project, which is provincial, is finally gone.  They put topsoil on top of all the bricks.  They can still plant trees by getting a backhoe to dig a big hole through the bricks.  Grass should grow on it. This cannot be instantly declared a waste of money, but you can see the gully erosion starting.

ps.  actually one could have been worried that freezing would have broken up the sewer, so nogo on that.

pps.  gave this to the cbc, but nobody cares about a few million.

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