Friday, December 1, 2017

Shopping Cart Rustlers Hit Toronto

My favourite supermarket is in the sleaziest plaza in Toronto, slated for demolition.  They had tons of old carts that still used quarters.  Now, every cart is gone.  They don't have the brightest at stores due to close, so everybody was complaining, and the staff had quizzical brows.  It will probably be another day before they call the police.

Such a plaza would never have video cameras, so the rustlers have probably already packed their container for Nigeria.  I would think they would make a few thousand on it.

The main media will finally have this story in another week or two, after more stores have been hit.

This is not fake news, nobody could make this up.  :)

ps.  Saturday morning, the busiest time, and all the old ladies are waiting in the cold, at the return spots.  It's a real pity.

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